Workplace Trends – Survival Tactics for the Next Decade
The workforce of the future is changing in its demographics, its attitudes and its want and needs almost as fast as technology is changing. For managers and HR professionals, this will mean a radical shift in the way we conduct business and manage talent ten years from now. Organizations need to prepare today for the seismic shifts that are coming so that they will not be caught unaware and will remain a viable entity in the future. Management expert Margaret Morford will walk participants through what these shifts will be, some of which are in the infancy stages so they are not even on the radar screens of most organizations. She will offer practical suggestions for things employers need to be doing today in order to prepare as well as protect themselves from the legal liabilities that will arise from some of these trends and shifts. Participants need to start today to be ready for what the workplace will look like in 2014 and even 2020! Don’t be caught unaware.